Extractions are commonly referred to as pulling a tooth from its socket. This is a form of surgery and will take time for healing. At our office, we strive to remove your tooth as comfortably as possible. If you are worried about the procedure, please discuss your options with your doctor. Many times during extractions, a big part of your appointment will be discussion of your replacement. It will be very helpful for you to understand your options prior to removal. Generally, missing teeth will be replaced with an implant, a bridge, or a denture. If you are interested in an implant, it is advantageous to discuss this with your doctor prior to extraction. This will help ensure adequate bone for implant placement later on via extraction techniques and socket preservation.
Extracting a tooth is an important decision. We will be sure to discuss your options with you and help you decide what your best option is. Many times, teeth that are going to be extracted have no other option simply because they are not fixable. The rest of the time, they are either unwanted or unneeded teeth (wisdom teeth or orthodontic extractions) or they are abscessed. It is our goal to help you through this process as comfortably as possible.
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