TMJ Treatment Rapid City

Effective Jaw Pain Treatment with Custom Oral Appliances

Anderson Dental in Rapid City now has an effective non-drug method of preventing headaches and jaw pain for our Black Hills patients!

If you suffer from:

  • A painful, aching jaw
  • Sore, sensitive teeth
  • A stiff neck
  • Migraine or tension headaches

You may have bruxism, also known as chronic clenching and teeth grinding. Clenching your teeth while asleep and during the day results in some of the strongest muscles in your body tensing up. This can damage surrounding joints, teeth, and other muscles. There is a strong correlation between nighttime grinding and headaches, as well as the development of TMJ disorder. Please schedule an appointment to discuss your symptoms with Dr. Anderson so we can help you find the relief you need.

Why Choose Anderson Dental for TMJ Treatment/Headaches?

  • Putty-Free & Precise Digital Impressions
  • We Put a Stop to Discomfort Caused by TMJD
  • Family-Owned & Operated Office Since 1988

How We Treat TMJ Pain/Headaches

TMJD is a common disorder that can cause headaches, teeth grinding, migraines, jaw pain, popping and clicking of the jaw, and severe wear on teeth. In most cases, our team can treat these symptoms with customized oral appliances like a nightguard or occlusal splint. Splints fit securely over your upper teeth and are worn at night to help alleviate any pain that you are experiencing, while nightguards are designed to be more durable and prevent damage caused by bruxism, or teeth grinding.