Sleep Apnea Treatment Rapid City

Rest Easier with a Custom-Made Oral Sleep Appliance

Sleep dentistry is one of the most exciting things happening in medicine today. Dentists, many times, are at the front line in helping their patients achieve better sleep due to common clinical signs. Dr. Anderson can often predict obstructive apnea through a thorough screening of the mouth and airway. If you are struggling with snoring, waking up and feeling unrested, teeth chipping and breaking, as well as acid reflux at night, let Dr. Anderson know at your next dental appointment.

Why Choose Anderson Dental for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

  • Sleep Apnea Treatment for CPAP-Intolerant Patients
  • Experienced Dentist Committed to High-Quality Care
  • Custom Appliances Modeled After Precise Digital Impressions

What is Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. It’s caused by the obstruction of the airway as you sleep, leading to chronic, loud snoring as well as a lack of oxygen flow to the brain. Throughout the night, this lack of oxygen can trigger you to wake up gasping for air, causing dozens or even hundreds of episodes each evening, called apneas.

Obstructive sleep apnea can contribute to many serious health complications including congestive heart failure. Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea could shorten an individual’s life span by many years. Proper oxygenation of all of the cells in your body while you sleep at night is essential for good health.

How We Can Help with Sleep Apnea

If we are suspicious of an obstruction, we will recommend a sleep test. After receiving the results from a board-certified sleep doctor, we will discuss your options with you. Sometimes, for a severe case, CPAP treatment is the best option, but mild and moderate cases may have additional options. Dental appliances can be used to improve your ability to sleep at night, and for many CPAP-intolerant patients, oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea is an excellent alternative. If you are interested in OAT, let Dr. Anderson and our team know.